Conference Mission
Our conference provides an excellent opportunity to exchange accumulated experience and achievements, to discuss current challenges facing the global educational community, as well as to expand its network of professional contacts, to find like-minded people for future joint projects.
Key sections of the conference
Our participants are specialists in education, education management, and education policy.
HTET Online Education Conference
2021 Global challenges and unequal opportunities
2020 How to plan and implement effective educational reforms
2019 How to evaluate the effectiveness of educational institutions: kindergartens, schools, and universities
2018 Quality of educational outcomes and educational reforms that increase it
2017 Who and how is using and evaluating educational standards?
2016 Who and what do teachers teach?
2015 Leadership in school and preschool education: yesterday, today, tomorrow
2014 What is an Effective School and Effective Kindergarten?
2013 Are human resources the key to everything?
2012 Different but Equal. How to overcome the gap in access to quality education.
2011 Problems of education quality management and evaluation
2010 Education in Multi-Faith and Multicultural Societies
2009 Twenty years of reforms, what next?
2008 Will new teachers come to school?
2007 Grant contests as a mechanism for education development
2006 The Issues of Modern School Management
2005 Educational Management Issues in the Region
2004 Management Issues

Do you need any help?
Specialists of municipal educational authorities and methodological services, heads and teachers of educational institutions are invited to participate…
Our participants are specialists in education, education management, and education policy.

Emran Lal Magar
Art Education
Charlie Bawa
Psychology Teacher
Narmada Prabhu
Intercultural Communication
Laveena Kapur
Physics Teacher
Omar Goel
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